How to Pamper Mom on Mother’s Day

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Get some creative, inexpensive ideas for how to pamper Mom on Mothers Day. Pampering your mom can be easy and fun with these suggestions. If you are asking, “How do I spoil my mom on Mother’s Day?”, then this post is for you. For my friends in the UK or Canada who might be asking, “How do I pamper my mum?”, this post is for you as well. No matter your budget, here are some relaxing Mother’s Day ideas that will help everyone have an enjoyable day.

pamper mom on mothers day Pinterest image of hanging flowers

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What do Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day?

The answer to this question might differ dramatically, depending upon the age of the mom’s children. For example, a mom of toddlers might want the chance to sleep in a bit longer. Moms who are empty-nesters might just want to hear from or see their kids on Mother’s Day. Even if your kids are grown and gone from the home, it’s nice to be pampered. Let’s start with breakfast ideas and proceed from there through the rest of the day, packing in as much pampering as possible.

How to Pamper Your Mom at Breakfast

Serving your mom breakfast in bed can be nice, but not if there is smoke coming from the kitchen. It would be difficult for any mom to relax if everyone else was running around in a chaotic frenzy. Take it easy on yourself. If there are young children involved, here’s a super simple breakfast-in-bed menu for a Mother’s Day breakfast in bed.

  • Pillsbury orange rolls are easy to make. Just preheat the oven and pop open the can of dough. Arrange the rolls in a greased round cake pan, and bake. Cover with frosting when the rolls are finished. (Kids love to help with this part). These rolls are so delicious, mom might want to eat the whole pan herself. If she wants to do this, you should support her. That’s all part of the pampering treatment.
  • Seedless grapes separated from the stems can be prepared even by the youngest little breakfast helper. Chances are that most of the time, mom doesn’t have time to pull the grapes off of the stems before eating. This is a small gesture that will help make mom feel special.
  • Scrambled eggs are an easy addition to breakfast. I learned how to make scrambled eggs when I was on a Girl Scout campout when I was nine years old. It’s definitely something kids can help with. You can add a bit of shredded cheese, torn spinach leaves or salsa to make it special.
  • Bacon cooked in the microwave is easy when you use this method of cooking using paper towels.

Berry Mandarin Tossed Salad bacon

Serve everything on a tray with mom’s favorite breakfast beverage. A nice, warm cup of hot cocoa or herbal tea would add a nice touch. If you have a small bud vase, add a little flower to the tray and perhaps a handmade greeting card. Now the Mother’s Day pampering project is off to a great start. You’re learning how to spoil your mom on Mother’s Day, but you’ve only just begun.

What if Mom Doesn’t Want to be Pampered?

Some moms might feel uncomfortable with the idea of breakfast in bed. Hardworking moms might feel lazy. If that is the case, just serve her breakfast at the table. Make enough food for everyone, but make an extra pan of orange rolls just in case your mom wants to have one pan to herself.

How to Pamper Your Mother at Home Throughout Mother’s Day

After breakfast, it’s time for the pampering to continue. Here’s how to give your mom a spa day at home. If you can, surprise her with an at-home spa kit.

Here are some at-home spa ideas for mom. Give her some time to take a relaxing bath, do her nails, and get ready for the day. After she is finished giving herself the spa treatment, give her a massage. Different family members can take turns massaging while other family members do something else very important. If you go to church, this might happen before or after the service, or even later in the afternoon.

What Can the Rest of the Family Do While Mom is Enjoying Her At-Home Pampering Spa Treatment?

Great question! The rest of the family can take turns choosing a chore that mom usually does. It might be weeding, doing the laundry, doing the dishes, or something else. Even little kids can join in with cleaning chores. Tasks like dusting the furniture, running the vacuum cleaner, and cleaning the toilet are all possibilities. It’s vital to get these things done while mom is occupied with her at-home spa treatment. Otherwise, she might feel guilty.

A Pampering, Easy Lunch

After the spa treatment and secret family chores are concluded, it might be close to lunch time. It’s easy to have the family join in preparing an easy menu. You could make an easy salad, like chicken. bacon, avocado, corn delight. Follow it up with a simple dessert, such as 3-2-1 cake in a mug. After lunch, it’s time for another activity.

Easy cake in a mug featured image

Pampering Your Mom in the Great Outdoors

If the weather is nice, an outdoor activity such as a family hike might be nice. Give your mom the choice of destinations. If she has no idea, have some easy hikes in mind. Where I live, many wildflowers are in bloom around Mother’s Day. A nice, relaxing scenic hike would be a great, inexpensive way to spend an afternoon. For ideas about hikes near you, check out, just do a Google search for “hikes near me” and see what pops up. You might be surprised. On the way home, if the nice weather holds, stop by a garden center and have mom pick out a colorful hanging basket of flowers. If flowers are not in the budget, you can surprise your mom with a special DIY project you have created, like a keepsake garden stepping stone.

DIY Garden Stepping Stones featured image

You could also make your mom a personalized garden logbook journal. Access the free, editable pages, add in the text you want, then print out the pages. Place them in a 3-ring binder and present to your mom as a nice Mother’s Day surprise.

free garden journal logbook with garden kneeler, clawed garden gloves, a small shovel and a weed bucket
Getting ready to pull some weeds with my trusty garden kneeling pad, my clawed garden gloves, a small shovel, my weed bucket and I will record any observations in my garden journal logbook.

Pampering Your Mom With a Fun Flick

If the weather is crummy, it might be fun to see a movie. Did you know you can rent a movie theater? Surprise your mom by taking her to a private showing of a movie of her choice. Provide her with her favorite movie snack, then sit back and enjoy your pampering private movie theater experience. If a movie theater rental isn’t in your budget, have an at-home movie experience. You could even make easy caramel corn with cashews for a treat. Remember, your mom gets to choose the movie. If she chooses a sappy, romantic, happy-Hallmark-ending show, endure it with good grace and no eye-rolling.

How to Spoil Mom on Mother’s Day with a Special Dinner

For a grand Mother’s Day finale, fix a special dinner for mom at home. You could go out to eat, but on Mother’s Day, many restaurants are quite crowded. Surprise your mom with a simple, yet elegant dinner. Every family member could help create this dinner. You could start with an easy appetizer, then proceed to serve a delicious main course, like a simple lasagna recipe. Serve a light berry mandarin tossed salad on the side. Follow it up with the most amazingly decadent dessert of all, Death by Chocolate Trifle.

Death by chocolate trifle featured image

If you would like even more recipe ideas, consider following my Easy Recipes board on Pinterest

Pamper Mom with a Relaxing Evening of Reading or Family Games

After everyone rolls themselves out of their chairs at the dinner table, encourage mom to find a comfy spot to indulge in reading the cozy book she might have begun earlier in the day. When the rest of the family has finished cleaning up the kitchen, ask your mom if there is a board game she would like to play. Even if no one else in the family likes the game, it’s mom’s choice. Play at least one round of your mom’s favorite game, demonstrating good sportsmanship, of course. Conclude the evening by giving your mom a big hug and an “I love you” before going to bed without a fuss. That’s how to honor mom on Mother’s Day.

How Can You Pamper Your Mom From a Distance?

You might be wondering, “How can I make Mother’s Day special if I live far away?” You could send a card with a gift certificate to a local spa. You could also send flowers. Most importantly, take the time to call or do Facetime, if your mom is tech-savvy. There is no substitute for hearing your child say, “I love you, Mom.” That’s how to make mom feel special on Mother’s Day, even from a distance.

Help Your Mom Organize Tasks with a Free Sunflower Planner Notebook

This sunflower planner has a page for each month, along with notes pages. The pages are undated, so may be reprinted and used year after year. Just print out the pages and put them in a binder. You can get the pages here!

sunflower garden planner printable

Get the planner notebook!

Have fun pampering moms on Mother’s Day!

First Name Signature Conclusion

Lisa Mitchell is a wife, mom, and school librarian who likes to create and share recipes, often using fresh ingredients from her family’s small Pacific Northwest farm. To see what this blog has to offer, click on over to the About page.

Want more great garden, food, or travel ideas? Follow FluxingWell on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and X for the latest posts, tips, and inspiration.

14 thoughts on “How to Pamper Mom on Mother’s Day”

  1. Great post!
    Definitely important to make Mom feel special on Mother’s day!!
    And while I’m partial to the movie and dessert ideas, I also really like the ideas of having breakfast in bed and spending quality time outside together!
    Thanks for the ideas to pamper mom on Mother’s Day!

    • Yes, it all might depend on the weather. Thanks for your positive words about pampering Mom on Mother’s Day!

  2. Great ideas! My family plans to meet and have a “fix up” day for my mom soon. She has some outside chores that need to be done and is not able to do them herself.

    • What a nice idea! I hope you accomplish all of the tasks and more.

  3. This is so lovely! I’m giving it to my kiddos to read, just a small hint 😉 I definitely would not mind breakfast in bed and pampering throughout the day. It makes for a happy mom, and happy moms make happy homes! Happy Mothers Day btw!

    • Thank you! You as well. I hope your kids do get the hint and give you the extreme pampering treatment!=)

  4. Thanks for sharing. These are awesome ideas. I really like the spa idea. Have a blessed Mother’s Day.

    • Thank you! I hope you have an enjoyable Mother’s Day as well. I appreciate the affirmation!

  5. Loved this post and the many wonderful suggestions! You offer so many good treats and simple ways to make any mom feel special. I appreciate the kind reminder– no eye rolling at any of mom’s picks or letting her feel guilty about being pampered 😉 Thank you for sharing.

    • You are most welcome! I had fun thinking of ideas, and I’m glad you liked them. Have a happy Mother’s Day!

  6. This is very thoughtful, especially in times like these. I will surely call mom and make her feel special as she should every day 🙂

    • Nice! I’m glad you liked the post. I had fun thinking of ideas.

  7. Great post as always! I especially love the idea of the family doing chores WHILE mom is out for a relaxing outing/spa. That’s a double win. Thank you for this!

    • You are very welcome! I had fun writing about pampering mom.


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